How to Improve Website User Experience?

 Making your website user experience is necessary to nor to keep the users waiting for your website's page to load. 

What is User Experience research?

Website user experience is the most important and the most Ignored part. The most overlooked part is because for whom you are doing the SEO? For the website and not for Google. We can not deride Google, so only the website has to be ranked. my other article explains about largest contentful paint to user experience.

What is user experience? website must be responsive

    If the design of the website is not correct, if the user will not get the correct information, the users won't come back to your website ever again. Among many factors which are used in any website today, we will learn about 4 factors. 

    • The website should be simple
    • The button used in the website should be comfortable in click/tap
    • Characters must be comfortably large
    • Should be website responsive

    The website design should be simple

    Let your website be on any topic, but if there is a story in the initial part of the page and information of the topic at the end of the page, it is a bad experience. The user doesn't care how fast your website is or how good the design is.

    If you visit your website as a visitor, are you getting the information in the initial part of the page, which is written on the page of your website? Is it providing the information as quickly as possible to the user? If not, find out the reason and solve it quickly.

    Many bloggers are anxious behind the sliders. They get amazing designs done. If your website is of photography then 99% of the user is not interested in your banner. Without any reason, your page will be slowed down and space too will be wasted.

    If your website is not 100% mobile-friendly and responsive in 2021, then quickly build it. Even Google keeps sending such emails in the search console. Which has common responsive issues.

    There are three types of common responsive issues.

    • Clickable element too close together

    • Text too small to read

    • Image wider than screen

    So give useful information to the user, it's the most important element for your website. Look example images 👇👇👇👇

    Clickable elements too close for user experience

    Text too small to read

    Image wider than screne

    Website Speed

    Everyone talks about the speed of the website, which is also right. The website should be fast, but do you know that there is no direct benefit in SEO for the website to be fast. 

    I am not kidding It is true. Even if your page speed is 100% on the page experience site, even then 1% will not get your rank. So the question arises then why is there a focus on such a page speed?

    Google usually punishes a website with slow speed. Your website needs to be fast because Google's website can slow down due to the slow speed of the website. 

    If the speed of your website is fast, the user will not have to wait for the page to load. So You will be spared from this punishment.

    This means that Google is scaring you to increase the speed of the website so that the user doesn't have to wait. Google does this because they know that your only motive is ranking henceforth you will not take care of the users.

    Website speed checker

    To check the speed of your website you should go to Page Speed ​​Insight. This is Google's own tool. Just do the score test and forget it. 

    If you want to know more about page speed, then I have an article you can read. Page speed insight does not help to increase or optimize website speed as much as GTmetrix does.

    GTmetrix result test for user experience

    GTmetrix is ​​a third-party tool. Which is free to use. You just have to enter the URL of your website, GTmetrix will present you the full report about the speed.

    Above The Fold Content

    The first part of the page that is first shown when a website is opened on a device is called Above the fold. To optimize the speed of the website, you must first understand the concept of above the fold.

    Google or any search engine does not ask you to increase the speed of the entire page. They are not asking to reduce the useful functions. Neither is asking to reduce the length of your page. 

    Google expects you to have the fastest load of the above content on the device. The latter part means below the fold content that takes time to load, there is no problem with this.

    Above the fold content

    So all you have to do is to load the top part quickly. Then below the folder should be loaded. GTmetrix can tell you exactly, which error is on your page and how you can solve this error, you can also know it.

    Google expects you to have the main content of your page loaded into the above-the-fold content. In 2019, Google page Algorithm was released. 

    After which the top part which contains useless content or has a big image or information of the content is not there. If the page has paid ad and above the fold part is showing too much feature of the whole ad then your website rank will fall.

    In short, the most important part of the content should always be in the above fold, not be added. The ad can be used below the fold.

    Website's LOGO

    The website's LOGO should be clean, the COLOR's combination of the LOGO should not sting in the eyes. If you want to test it, then I can give you tips. Print your website's logo in A4 size paper and hang it on a wall and look 20 feet apart. Does it look clear?

    • This is the main thing in the speed of the website
    • Be website responsive
    • Gives information to the user as soon as possible
    • website must be fast
    • Website Mobile Friendly
    • The most important part of the website should be in the above fold



    Hope this article of Website User Experience research has got all the details. The basic point of this article was to make the website responsive, should be user-friendly, and should be mobile-friendly. And the most important thing we have said is that above the fold should be the most important part of the content.

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