Google Adsense approval tips and tricks 2021

To get the approval of Google Adsense, you have to pay attention to a few things. If you want to get Google Adsense approval then you have to maintain your website according to Adsense guidelines

First of all, you have to pay attention to your content. Your content should be quality content. In this article, I will tell you some tips to get the approval of Google Adsense, which will be a chance to get approval.

How to get Google Adsense approval? 10 tips and tricks.

Get approval of Google Adsense Soon

First of all, you have to read the guidelines of Google Adsense. Then you will know what you have to keep in mind while writing the article. Today, in this article, I will tell only what you have to keep in mind while writing the article.

    To get Adsense approval must follow below 10 tips

    Google Adsense guidelines must be followed for getting approval for the website. However, I will tell you some tips so that you can get approval as soon as possible.


    Whatever niche your website, and content you are writing, try to write unique content. If you write on any such content running in the trend, then the chances of getting approval are increased.

    Write your article with unique content. Create an Internal link to the content page from another page and the article on which the article is less in Google and you have a lot of knowledge on that topic.

    Post & Language

    Google has not yet mentioned that how many posts require approval of Adsense. However, you should apply in Google Adsense after writing 20 articles of 1000 words. If the article is 400 or 500 words, then you have to write 40 + articles.

     Google Adsense approves all the language, the official website of Adsense has been given. If your blog's language, English or Hindi, or any other language does not matter, Adsense always accepts in any language website.


    It is important to use images inside the post, but do not use too many images that the text is less and images are more. If the images will be more then the text inside the post, it can be difficult to get the approval of Adsense.

    In a 1000 word post, it is necessary to have 70% text and 30% images. By doing this, you will get the approval of Adsense soon.

     SEO friendly and mobile-friendly

    It is important to a website, SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly. Google always says your website must be SEO friendly, as well as mobile-friendly, is important.

    Make your website mobile-friendly. Keep an eye on page speed. Use the easy blog theme. Navigate the website to the user. Make user-friendly Focus on on-page SEO.


    It is important to have your website contacts us, about us, privacy policy, disclaimer, and terms & condition pages. Google Adsense does not approve without these pages. Therefore, you must create these pages on your website.

    Having these pages on your website is important for approval. Users must know about your website's privacy policy.  It is necessary to have an about us page. So both the user or Google should inform about you


     Domain, sub-domain are accepted by Google Adsense approval.  Google Adsense also gets approval on the sub-domain due to being Google's own service.

    There are many different types of domains. like. .com, .in, .edu. .otg etc. If you want to buy a top-level domain, buy .com.

    Other Ad Network

    If there are already other ads on your blog, then you have to remove them to get the approval of Google Adsense.

    Illegal Content

    Google Adsense does not approve due to illegal content on any website. According to the guidelines of Google Adsense, Adsense is not the approval of any website having violent content.

    If there is any violence on your website, Google Adsense will never approve your website.

    Copyrighted material

    Many people copy content from other sites, translate the content and put it in another language on their website. You do not have to do this. Whatever you write, write by yourself. Only then will the content become unique

    Understand that if you have got the approval of Adsense and the visitors do not come to your website then what will they do even after getting approval of Adsense. This is why your earnings will come from the arrival of the users only. So write unique content, write useful content.


    It is not an issue of how many visitors to your website. If your blog is new and the visitor is less, then Adsense understands this and there are chances of getting approval. The only condition is that your website Adsense guidelines and content policy should be in accordance.

     If you get the approval of Adsense and if the visitor does not come due to the lack of good content. So pay attention to your content. Write original content, write high-quality content. With this, you will get the approval of Google Adsense and visitors will also come.

    The conclusion

    I hope that the things mentioned in my Google Adsense Approval tips & tricks 2021 if you understand this and run the blog, you will definitely get Approval.

    If you liked this article of mine and wanted to get the approval of Google AdSense then you should be followed above the instructions.

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