How to indexing website / Post on google

 Sometimes you create a website but Google never knows about your website. After creating a website it needs indexing on Google to inform Google. Here is some process of how to indexing a website on google.

Why post indexing is important?

How to index a post, SEO

If you create a website on that means your website is a limited position on blogger.  It needs to indexing on Google. If you want your website to show up on Google you must index your website and when you publish your post then must index.

If you are a new blogger then this article is for you. Just follow the few steps below instructions.

What is the process of website indexing?

  • Login to your website with a Google account
  • Click the View blog option in the dashboard
  • Copy the URL of your website
  • Back to the previous page
  • Click the settings option in the dashboard
  • Scroll the page down and find Google search console
  • Click on the search console
  • On the left-hand side choose the sitemap option
  • Click on sitemap 
  • Paste your website URL
  • Write down sitemap.xml (https//example/sitemap.xml)
  • Click on submit
  • If shown as a success it means it was submitted to your website.
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what is google search console/what does this provide

How to write an SEO post?

When you write a post-it must be an SEO post. It's important for your post. You have written a post but your page does not show up in the Google search engine. That is the reason your post was not an SEO post. To write an SEO post follow the below instructions.
How to indexing website / Post on google
  • First you have create a Title
  • Write a paragraph in 150 words  about your post 
  •  Give a head line 
  • Write a post article
  •  Give a internal link between the article. Link must related this article
  •  upload image by click on gallery icon and choose the file from your computer gallery
  • Image should be optimized, click on image and click on settings .
  • Write a title and Alt text and choose an image size

after completing writing a post, go to post meta tag, search description settings ( right side)

  • Create a label ( what is category of your post) remember do not space. for example -TechNews
  • Create permalink, it is automatic create but if you want to change please choose custom permalink option. write tags, keyword for example-how-to-indexing- website-on-google
  • Set location- if you want, not compulsory
  •  Write search description of your post. Search description must to related your post. 
  •  Next is reader comments option- choose allow
  •  Custom robot tags- choose default

After completing the post settings check your post and read, if everything is okay then click on publish icon, right side top of the corner. 

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Google Analytics tracking id no found

How to indexing posts?

After publishing, a URL of your post will automatically generate. copy the URL of the selected post that you want to index.
  • Open blog dashboard
  • Click on settings
  • Find search console and click
  • Click on URL inspection
  • Paste your post URL
  • Enter
  • Click post request indexing ( if your post URL  is not on Google)
  • Click on LIVE URL test (if your post URL is not on Google)
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Google search console link to Google Analytics

After URL inspection post needs to submit on google, Whenever you published your post you must be indexing or submitting it on Google.

How to submit your post on Google?

Go to sitemap generator: Sitemap generator 

  • Copy and paste your blog URL in generate sitemap
  • click
  • Copy the generated code below from last

How to indexing website / Post on google

  • Go to google search console home page
  • Click on sitemap
  • Paste code in submit box
  • Click on submit button.
  • If all things are perfect they will successfully be submitted.


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